Thursday, August 9, 2007

When Math Fails You, Sven, and the Universe

Today, I was incredibly far behind (read 4,000 words) on the Challenge and Sven was angry. So, I wrote like a fiend. So, when I did my word count, I expected to find myself gaining ground. But...I forgot to count a section.

When I tallied up my word count, I thought I wrote ALL DAY only to have it add up to less than 400 words. I almost cried. Math had failed me. But then I realized my mistake. I actually went a little over my requirement. Take that Sven, you sweaty little jerk. :D

A Few Thoughts on XIII and the Challenge
  • I am almost 3/4 of the way done with my heroine's story arc. She has become this powerful and persuasive young woman and I absolutely love writing her. The men who love her are also fairly sweet (read: teh lovelies) as well.
  • Writing these scenes makes me want to draw. Curse you, Sven! You make me focus. Le sigh.
  • A great thing called positioning has wandered into my writing life. I picked up this idea from a book called Chapter After Chapter. Pretty much the idea is that just how little kids get their stuff together the night before going to school, writers should do the same. So every night, I go over what I need to do the next day...and what's cool is that I usually end up dreaming about it, or at least thinking about it a lot more than I would normally.

Other Pleasnat Happenings and Wonders

  • That little menu bar below my header took me two days to code. Mind you, I had to learn how to code first. But it looks pretty sweet. Don't worry, there will soon be things to see up there. Right now, I'm too pooped to add the links.
  • I might set up a blog for XIII since that story consumes so much of my time. But I can't think of a good name for it. This is on the back burner for now.
  • I have ideas for short stories...lots of them. What a wonderful world.
  • I wrote 4,000 words today (in case you missed it above). My fingers are flipping out.
  • I called Jocelyn and read her a tremendously long scene. She gave great comments, though she was tired. She wants to draw costumes for my characters, which I hang up beside my computer for inspiration. She is full of awesome.
  • Charlie is also drawing up some characters from my short story What is Now: Easter Sunday. Whoorah for artists. He is also the coolest.
That's all for now. I'll check back in later on Thursday and then Friday Snippet Time! Jocelyn is doing an illustration for me this week and I'll be posting some of her other artwork for the postapocalptic chick lit. Prepare yourself for a day of cool.

If there are any typos in the above post, please forgive. Night.

So say we all.


Unknown said...

Bri that's fantastic! And also woot for coding goodness :)

I like the prep idea; I know I dream about scenes if I've been thinking about them all day.

Ann said...

Congrats on the 4k yesterday. That's awesome. I did 2k yesterday, and will add to that today sometime.
I like the prep idea too, I've been toying with scenes for my WIP while putzing around here, cleaning the kitchen and hopping the blogs *g*. See you tomorrow, can't wait for the next snippet.

Joely Sue Burkhart said...

Fantastic work!!

Anonymous said...

I am green with envy! I can code, but I don't even know where to do that on Blogger. I'm so blog-ignorant, it's not even funny.