Thursday, August 30, 2007

Bri (Not Quite) on Fire: A Comic Story of Thursday Night

Funny story and then I'm off to sleep.

Tonight, the fire alarm went off in our dorm. Understand, this noise is so loud you think you're bleeding out of your ears. So we all go downstairs to the courtyard where we wait for the firemen to come. They'll turn the thing off and chastise the Honors kid who forgot how to make easy-microwave popcorn. This is the normal routine.

But this time, something sinister was afoot. Very soon, we were all herded around front and made to cross the street, thusly blocking traffic with about one hundred students. We think this is a silly (read: awful) idea. Why would we cross the street and block the firetrucks coming to put out the fire in our dorm? Why would we not instead, go to the courtyard - where we've gathered, without incident, every time this has happened for the past year?

Anyway, back to the story. So we're waiting across the street. And it's hot. The RC (Resident Coordinator) comes out of the dorm with a policeman and yells at us from across the street. There was traffic so I only heard bits of what she said.

It went something like this: This was a drill! And you failed! If you don't want to die/be on fire don't be lazy! Get up when you hear the alarm! And don't go to the courtyard! The firemen need to get back there if there's a fire!

My first thought: Failed? Am I on fire? No, no. I'm good. Ok.
My second thought: The closest exit - the back flight of stairs - leads into the courtyard. The other exit (which does lead to the front) is around the hall...instead of six steps to the back. Hmm...
My third thought: Why didn't you tell us you didn't want us in the courtyard two weeks ago when you had our hall meeting?
My last thought:
Lazy? If I was lazy, I'd still be upstairs asleep, ignoring the drill. Obviously, I'm out here, sweating with everyone else. Are we done? I have loads of homework...Man, it's hot.

Ah...the weirdness that is dorm. Graduation, how I long for thee.
So, how's your week going? I hope you're looking forward to a Friday Snippet tomorrow!

So say we all.


Ezra said...

If it was to be a TRULY effective drill, there would have been fires set in the building. That would be a true test.. because I'd definitely push someone out of my way to ensure I got out.

My greatest problem with the drill was that it was at half past ten at night! Some of us get up at six in the morning!

Unknown said...

Situations rarely seen in nature. Thanks for the giggle.

qualcosa di bello said...

haha!! baby girl is laughing at this one. there is no sanity in dorm life!