Hoping for the Best...
Mediterranean Markets and Bagel Shops
Over the last few days, I've been working through graduate school assignments and trying not to completely freak out over rent and bills. My money still has not come from the school and I could really use it right about now. I try to relax, walking through downtown Richmond. There's a Mediterranean market not far from here and every morning it makes my mouth water. The bakery puts off a cloud of smoke and steam, thick with spices and herbs. I also discovered a homemade bagel shop right down the block where they make their own cream cheese and will stack turkey and bacon as high as I want. While living without funds from the school, life is fairly good. A Fiction Class...Without Any Writing
I've taken to writing in a Moleskine after last week's fiction class. I left feeling about two inches tall, doubting why I ever wanted to be a writer in the first place. The professors pedagogy was all lecture. In a two hour and thirty minute fiction class, I didn't get to write a single word. At least as an undergrad, I left almost every class with over two hundred words. So, Moleskine to the rescue. It looks fancy and nifty, and I like writing nifty and fancy ideas in it. Take that, lecturer! My notebook is superior to your pedagogy. Politics...Hopefully Not as Usual
I saw an article this morning on CNN suggesting the likelihood of Palin being dropped from McCain's ticket later in the election cycle. While I'm not sure of that, I do know that picking her was probably a mistake. I follow politics closely, though I rarely discuss my opinions on the state of the union and our (regrettable) president. But in watching the news this morning, I was struck by a melancholy and the realization that we cannot continue on our present course. Of politics, I remember most clearly the first Gulf War, when I was five, the prosperity of the Clinton years as a teenager and the wanton disregard of the Bush administration for the Constitution, American foreign policy and human rights through my entire college career. Watching the news this morning, I was glad I already cast my vote, via absentee ballot. I've just got to wait till November to how the chips fall.
Moleskines are awesome. And it sounds like the professor is the one who is really two inches tall...
I would follow the election more closely if I had more faith in the people running. Right now, Obama just seems like your average run-of-the-mill liberal shrouding his as-usual politics in the rhetoric of change. McCain is more of a departure for his party... but that doesn't mean he's good for the nation, either.
But the real point is... yes, Moleskines totally rule.
I hope you get your money soon, friend-- it's not fun hanging like that.
The Moleskin sounds fabulous - so does turkey and bacon piled as high as you want.
If you're in a writing mood send me a little something something for the group blog.
Hugs from Frances at She Who Blogs
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