Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Three Things I Want

Rain in the Rock and Fires Near Camp Pendleton: I Want My Friend to be Safe
Yesterday, while it rained and went chilly at university, my umbrella, faithful and friendly, decided to turn traitor. In a giant gust of wind, umby flipped inside out and hurled water all over me. It was so funny I could just stand there and laugh like an idiot as my shoes soaked up the cold rainwater and stained my socks black and blue. My bout of "singing" in the rain ended in a bout of sneezing later in the evening.

I learned, amid the sneezing, that a marine friend of mine might have been evacuated out of Camp Pendleton due to the fires in California today. We had a few fiction classes together while he was at University and he roomed with a few other guys from our group last year. I keep him in my thoughts and hope he is safe. I saw him for he first time since his graduation just about a week ago. It made me all kinds of happy that he stood up to say hello in his schnazzy uniform when I came in the room. He told us of his exploits in gaining his various medals and included an entire story dedicated to what a wonderful meal the Warriors' Breakfast was. He'd made a list of everything he ate! :D I hope he safe and pray for those in harm's way.

Forever New Things I Should Read: I Want These Books
The Forever War is the next big "Bri Needs to Read This" project. I've heard so much about it and Tim mentioned it in his Friday Snippet comment last week. The author came to our sister campus across town, but I wasn't able to make it to his talk. I've wanted to take on much more military-heavy science fiction since last year. So, I think, along with The Forever War and Ender's Game Series, I might try to take in some of the newer pulp stuff (the HALO and DOOM books). I know, they're cheesy, but so were the pulps from which our greatest sci-fi writers emerged.

My New Game (Read: Geek-Love): I Want Altair
Below, we have the next game Bri wants for the XBox 360: Assassin's Creed. I know, I attempted not to blog out my geek-ness, but this is the one thing that I am allowed to be an incredible nerd about. I adore playing HALO 3 and AC looks to be (almost) as incredible. According to the demo video, most surfaces in the game are climbable as you do assassin-ish things through the character, Altair (doesn't he look nifty?).

Also, the AI in the game is apparently fairly responsive to players' choices. Scaling a wall in midday garners attention from the crowd below, which in turn calls the guards. Slaughtering someone in the street or knocking someone over gains you the mob's hatred. In short, a player's actions are not without consequence. The game seems to imply that a player must move on a much stealthier and realistic level. So. Much. Fun.

Despite the gamer talk and the geek-urges, my thoughts are with those in California and my friend. Please be safe.

So say we all.


Nicole said...

I get to hear a lot about the SoCal fires, since I'm in NorCal and lots of our firefighters have gone down to help. It's very scary, but it does sound like they got nearly everyone evacuated without trouble, so I'm sure your friend is safe.

And re your geekness? You're not the only one. Only I haven't bought any new PC games (no XBox for me, just yet) since Oblivion, and as that was a while ago, you missed all my geek-blogging. :)

Amy Ruttan said...

Yes those fires are insane. My thoughts are with those people as well. You can speak Geek speak with me ... big geek talking to you here. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ooo! I saw Assassin's Creed in Game Informer; the graphics look great. :) I want the hubby to get that one so I can watch him play it. Now *that's* geeked out, imo.

I hope your friend is safe.

Ann said...

Can we talk geek? Do they make Halo or Assassin's Creed for PS2? I'm currently working my way through Lord of the Rings the Third Age (Fun game when it's not driving me round the bend in frustration) and am looking for new PS2 games to play.

Hope your friend is safe.

Unknown said...

The fires scare the crap out of me. I hope they are able to get a handle on them soon and no one is hurt.

Assassin's Creed looks amazing. I'd almost consider getting a 360 just so I could play it.